Тел. 0889 858 080 school@myartfaces.com
Български клуб
Bulgarian Club
Bulgarian Language for Foreigners
Online Tuition
The Bulgarian Language Club at “My Art Faces” Media Center has online classes for children and adults.
Our lessons are:
· based on your interests and age
· tailored to your specific needs and level of Bulgarian
· full of films, songs, cartoons, pictures, recipes and other visual materials
· focused on developing your speaking skills and pronunciation in order to encourage you using the language.
* You will have personal attention and regular contact with your teachers
* You will gain confidence speaking Bulgarian
* You will read, listen and write in Bulgarian
* You will learn some small plays and poems
* You will play games
* You will have a lot of fun
* You will learn about Bulgarian customs and traditions
Phone: +359 889 85 80 80
E-mail: school@myartfaces.com
Facebook: @myartfaces
Instagram: my_art_faces